Monday, June 22, 2009


I follow a few blogs and I am really amazed at the amount of writing that people are able to pump out. I have decided that I either need a time management coach, or I'm not a very good writer since my entries take so long to get the final "post" click. I love to talk and talk and talk in person, but since blogging, I have realized that I should pay closer attention to what I let come out of my mouth.

Anyway, here's my nutshell life cracked open for your convenience.

1) Sister and niece came for ten days. I never spent so much money, ate so much food, or saw so many cool parts of Osaka in such a short amount of time. Oh, and PS, me in Geisha wear reminds me of men in drag in Chinatown Hawaii circa 1992.
2) My toddler class is getting much better at toilet training, believe it or not. Of course, some days require gloves, a tough stomach, and lots of wipes, but all in all, it ain't that bad.
3) My Saturday class of kids is still a mystery to me, but they will see, oh yes, they will see what happens when I figure it all out. (insert evil laugh)
4) I took on Sunday work. See #1 sentence two for a partial explanation.
5) Kim Chee Bokkumbap is something I can cook by myself.
6) Don't EVER EVER EVER buy, rent, or watch this movie. EVER.
7) If you have 165 minutes, rent this movie Like Leonardo, the more I watch Nicole, I dig her.
8) TETSUYA'S THOUGHTS - You soooo love me. Yes, you soooo love me. Really? How do you know? Because you cook for me and is many kisses and hugs. So I know.

That's all for now. Enjoy the pictures, and if you need a little piece of poprocks-in-your-mouth artistic goodness, click here.