Sunday, January 18, 2009

blogs, butts, and mantras with tea, please

MIND-I have thought about it, read about it, and even created this blog account years ago, but I never wrote a single post. I read all my sister's posts and encourage her to keep writing, yet I let each week pass without writing anything about my experience here in Japan. 2009 is well on its way and as Obama prepares to officially take office, I will prepare to officially begin blogging. I know, my blogging is not as momentous, but like Obama says, it's because of me that he won the election. :)

BODY- I've been reading about butt muscles because recently I've been having butt pains. And it's only on one side (left FYI). I'm trying to figure out what I've been doing that would cause it, but I haven't come up with any explanations.
I wish I knew why it hurts so I could quit doing that movement incorrectly. Maybe it's karma--I've been a pain in the a$$ so now I'm having a$$ pains. :) My friend who is a personal trainer says I just need to stretch it out. Here's to Butt Stretching!

WORK-This week I have to start potty training my nursery class. There are 12 toddlers ranging in age from 18-24 months. Last week I spent several hours reading about techniques, watching videos of potty training. I even had Tetsuya order "Everyone Poops" online for me. (Great book, btw.) I had all these big plans of creating a cardboard box pop-up display using actual photos of our toilet area, getting boy and girl dolls to model the potty process for them, and printing out a reward chart to use with stickers. Then, I went to the club. My Sunday was over just like that.

TODAY: I woke up at 6 pm, cleaned the apartment, showered, ate fast food, cooked stew, watched Japanese TV, checked email and SNSs, then ended up reading blogs of note. It's 1055 pm now and I have to sleep so I can be ready for tomorrow. It's cold but "I love winter" (my new mantra to help me overcome my hatred for this unnatural time of year), so as I drink lots of tea and stay indoors more, wish me blogging luck.

1 comment:

Mabel said...

I can not tell you the f/x of "Everyone Poops" has had on my life. I also want to add, since I am slowly being exposed to "palagi poop" via my babysitting adventures, that everyone's poop is stinky stinky stinky. It doesn't matter if you eat pilchards or pot roast, it stinks. It's all part of the UNIVERSIALITY of it ALL! LOL.
Miss you Sissy!